Born in 1937 in Regina, Saskatchewan, my family moved to BC when I was 12. Following (too much) school and university, I spent my working life abroad. This experience convinced me that the globe harboured no better place than Metchosin, where I retired in the early 90’s. Art became an addiction after I tried it as an antidote to work pressures in the early 80’s. Most of my paintings are in oils and acrylics. They are “realistic,” and tend to be of things I find of interest, such as annual self-portraits; “political” pieces done in response to social evils; views from rooms where I stay while away from home; rural scenes, animals and events; bodies and faces; and panoramas which stretch standard perspective. Most current works are small plein-air landscapes. I make art because I enjoy the making process and the company of others doing the same. It’s also fun to hear viewers’ (often unexpected) reactions. Sales are not a big motivation, but it’s nevertheless satisfying when pieces find good homes.