About the Workshop.
Experience the magic of illustrated journalling. Learn to record your day, anything from the exciting to the mundane. With illustrated journalling, the main content is drawn rather than written. It’s about learning to slow down, observing what’s around you, giving yourself permission to relax, have fun, and get creative. Illustrated journals are a place to record the happy and the sad, the beautiful and the overlooked, a daily place to jot down your thoughts, reflections and more. They are as private, or public, as you decide. You don’t need to know how to draw, you just need a desire to learn to observe and put marks and colours on paper. Visually recording events and observations fixes memories in your mind, providing the opportunity to experience those moments again.
WHEN: Saturday, August 10th Time: 9:30 – 12:30 with a couple of short breaks, 3 hours
WHERE: Metchosin ArtPod to start (4495 Happy Valley Road), then an outdoor location nearby
WHO: Geared to beginners, there will be a couple of beginner how-to-draw activities, but the class is open to all: no previous experience is necessary, just a desire to express yourself creatively in your everyday life.
Course Content
9:30 -10:30 What is illustrated journaling? Why keep one?
- I-can’t-draw worries.
- Capturing today’s moments.
- Critiquing your work to create a growth mindset
10:40 – 11:30. Designing Creative Pages.
- Page design
- Composition
- Layout possibilities
11:40 – 12:30 Adding Text and Storytelling.
- Fonts
- Text as a design element
- Telling today’s story
Something to sit on for comfort – camp chair or stool. Dress for weather, sunhat, sunscreen, jackets if wind picks up, water to drink, snacks if you want.
For Art: the basics
For drawing:
- A sketchbook (mixed media sketchbooks are great), 5 x 8 or bigger. Not huge!
- A pencil, eraser if you want.
- A couple of waterproof black ink pens (e.g. Micron or Pitt, different sizes but .02 and .05mm .08mm are suggested.)
- A ruler
- A 5 or 6” right-angle (often found at the secondhand store)
For Colour:
- Watercolour pencil crayons or some watercolour paints
- Water and a water holder for cleaning brush
- A medium size brush or water brush.
- A few paper towels.
- For one activity
- Bring something small and meaningful to create one of the journal pages, something with a bit of a story or a memory (e.g. a child’s stuffed toy, a beach treasure, a part of a collection, a souvenir from a trip…).
For One Activity:
- Bring something small and meaningful to create one of the journal pages, something with a bit of a story or a memory (e.g. a child’s stuffed toy, a beach treasure, a part of a collection, a souvenir from a trip…).
About Patricia Bentham:
After two years of fine art studies at the University of Victoria, she switched to a career in education. She received a Bachelor of Education degree specializing in Art Education and filled her course load with as many studio art and design courses as possible. Since then, she has continued to hone her skills through books, workshops, classes and programs.
As well as teaching elementary school and visual arts to all grades for 20+ years, she’s completed web and print design certification programs, taught adult art courses and filled over 65 sketchbooks with illustrated journalling and other art.