
PRESSING NATURE workshop, with Cindy Wright, July 6th, 2024

Alternative Printmaking Workshop

For all experience levels, this printmaking workshop involves direct and indirect transfer methods to hand print natural materials. Cindy Wright is a Marine Scientist, Printmaker, and Xchanges Gallery member.

Time Frame: 10 am – 4 pm
Number of Participants: 12
Price: $130

For further information click here

We will work primarily with seaweeds (fresh, dried, pressed) and other marine materials to explore how each material behaves and the use of appropriate inks, tools and paper. This is a highly experimental and exploratory workshop. All materials will be provided, but should participants have specialty papers or subject matter, they are welcome to bring them. Inks will be primarily water-soluble and water-miscible oils. Clean-up will involve soap and water; no harsh solvents will be used. This workshop is designed for hand-printing with accessible, inexpensive materials and without a press, allowing anyone participating to continue playing in this art field.

Suggested Materials List

None of these supplies are required, but would be helpful.

1 If you have your own brayers, you are welcome to bring them. Artists will be provided with loaners.
2 If you have a speciality paper you would like to try, please bring it. You will be provided with newsprint, sumi-e and some printmaking paper.
3 If you have a specific type of water-soluble BLOCK printing, you are welcome to bring it. Inks will be provided but in basic colours.
4 Rags for cleaning up
5 If you have a heavy rolling pin (wood, marble) it is worth bringing test how it works.
6 Small bucket (any 3L+ bucket will work), for cleaning and rinsing.
7 If you have plexiglass/acrylic panels (size 8×10 or bigger), please bring them.