Altered Books: Bibliovandalism
October 26, 2024, Noon-4 pm
Event Room, Metchosin Arts & Culture Centre
4495 Happy Valley Road, Victoria, B.C. V9C 3Z3

Experience the freedom and fun of making art using an old book as the jumping off point! When you alter a book, you transform it, changing its appearance and meaning. It can be painted, cut, folded, collaged, rubber-stamped or otherwise adorned. In this four-hour workshop, you will learn a variety of techniques. All are welcome, from beginners to experienced creators.

Elizabeth Carefoot will give the workshop. Her art practice involves varied experiments with many media, such as acrylic painting, ceramic sculpture, papier-mâché, fabric, altered books, and large installations. She prefers to work with recycled materials – feeling that they bring the energy of their former life into her work. She has prize-winning fibre works in permanent collections at Simon Fraser University, the Surrey Art Gallery, art museums in Belgium, Colombia and numerous private collections.
What to Bring
- Hardcover book
- Items that inspire or hold personal meaning for use as collage materials, such as old cards, photos, text excerpts from other books, journals, sketches, paintings, maps, charts, textile remnants, pattern tissue, etc.
- Mod Podge or gel medium or white glue, double-sided tape or washi tape
- Scissors or x-acto knife
- Wire – 24 gauge, wire cutters and/or pliers (optional)
- Acrylic or watercolour paints
- Paint brushes, pencil, eraser, coloured pencil crayons, ruler, container for water, rag or paper towel
- Optional – paper clips, bamboo skewers
For more information, contact